During my studies I have had the chance to be involved in some interesting research projects.
Starting from January I will be working with Eric Perlmutter at the Institut de Physique Theorique, CEA Saclay on the conformal bootstrap in AdS/CFT. I’m very excited both about the topic and about working with a someone young and talented like Eric. The bootstrap program is one of the most interesting developments in theoretical physics right now both from a more conceptual level like exploring the space of CFTs and from a practical tool to calculate precisely many physical phenomena. Applying it together with AdS/CFT is, I believe, extremely promising and might reveal new insights about the nature of gravity and holography. I’ll write more about it once I start!
During my first year at ENS, I worked in the theory group Fields, Gravity and Strings with Giuseppe Policastro. I studied quantum information and the emergence of spacetime in matrix models dual to two-dimensional string theory, in particular the c=1 model and the Kazakov-Kutasov-Kostov model and managed to obtain some new results. This project was really interesting since there were many iintersecting areas: quantum information, random matrix theory and its applications, integrability, condensed matter even and of course the ‘little’ holographic duality between strings and matrix models.
Last year I was a summer student at DAMTP, Cambridge University. I worked in the Relativity and Gravitation group with Cora Uhlemann on Cosmology and Large Scale Structure of the universe. In particular we worked on statistics of biased tracers of large scale structure. Spending the summer in Cambridge was an amazing experience and the lively environment of DAMTP was very stimulating (I’m sure the tea and cookies everyday at 11am played a role…).
I conducted my second year internship with Elias Kiritsis and Francesco Nitti working on aspects of holography. Due to Covid-19 it had to online but nonetheless I studied holographic phase transitions and the corresponding RG flows which generalize the well-known Hawking-Page transition.